
Also See

Video: Work-Life Myths & Realities

Video of AWP's conference presentation on the myths and realities of work-life practices.

Graphic Recording: Leadership Strategies that Work

An infographic from AWP's 2012 conference entitled Risk and Resilience that describes leadership strategies that will make your work flourish.

Report: Cultivating the Talent: Women Professionals in the Federation System

This report, Cultivating the Talent: Women Professionals in the Federation System, results from an AWP study commissioned by the UJC in November 2006. The study was launched with an email survey of 950 women federation professionals in UJC’s database. The email survey posed two questions: “Are you interested in advancing to a more senior position in federation?” and “Would you be willing to discuss your professional aspirations in a follow-up phone conversation?”

Report: Cultivating the Talent: Women Professionals in the Federation System, Executive Summary

Summary of the report, Cultivating the Talent: Women Professionals in the Federation System, that results from an AWP study commissioned by the UJC in November 2006. The study was launched with an email survey of 950 women federation professionals in UJC’s database. The email survey posed two questions: “Are you interested in advancing to a more senior position in federation?” and “Would you be willing to discuss your professional aspirations in a follow-up phone conversation?”

Article: Creating High Impact Nonprofits

Conventional wisdom says that scaling social innovation starts with strengthening internal management capabilities. This study of 12 high-impact nonprofits, by Heather McLeod Grant, however, shows that real social change happens when organizations go outside their own walls and find creative ways to enlist the help of others.

Article: Women Leaders in Judaism

Shifra Bronznick, Didi Goldenhar and Joanna Samuels' piece, published in Sage, explores the history of women in Judaism and their role over time.

Article: Managing Your Career in Jewish Communal Service

Four leading women professionals in the Jewish communal field describe moments that inspired their careers and choices that helped them flourish.

Report: Centering on Professionals: The 2001 Study of JCC Personnel In North America

A survey of JCC professionals finds high rates of job satisfaction but concerns over advancement and compensation. While the proportion of women in senior positions has grown, women's salaries significantly trail men’s salaries.

Article: Women In The Executive Recruitment Process

A leading executive recruiter suggests that if Jewish organizations want more qualified women candidates to compete for CEO positions, they need to give female senior managers the opportunity to develop the skills required of a CEO.

Template: 12 Steps to a Successful Search

BoardWalk Consulting has prepared a template to guide you through the 12 Steps to a Successful Search.

Article: Unprepared for CEO Transitions: Where Will We Find the Next Generation of Nonprofit Executives?

A study that shows how boards and CEOs need to begin addressing leadership transition right away, or they will find themselves scrambling and competing to recruit talented senior executives and to deal with the disruptions that these transitions can cause.

Article: Trust in Transition: The Story of Mayyim Hayyim’s Recent Executive Transition

Carrie Bornstein and Aliza Kline detail the true-life story about succession planning, and professional development from a women-led Jewish community organization, based in Boston, MA.

Article: A Survival Guide For Leaders

Let's face it, to lead is to live dangerously. Although leadership is often viewed as an exciting and glamorous endeavor, such a portrayal ignores leadership's dark side: the inevitable attempts to take you out of the game.

Article: Radical Change, the Quiet Way

Drawing from fifteen years of research, Debra E. Meyerson illustrates a spectrum of innovative ways--from cautious to increasingly bold--that individuals use to "rock the boat" from inside the corporate ship--and steer a course for powerful, positive change.

Presentation: Conference for Change – Agenda and Program

Program and agenda, along with participant bios, for 2007's Conference for Change.

Article: Women Speak Up

Men are five times more likely to submit Op-Ed articles to outlets than women. Katie Orenstein, founder of The Op-Ed Project and a partner of AWP's sought to change it by training women to get their voices into the public sphere.

Article: A Simple Suggestion to Help Phase Out All-Male Panels at Tech Conferences

An article in The Atlantic urging men in technology to take a pledge not to participate on all-male panels; inspired by AWP's Men as Allies initiative.

Article: A Mitzvah of Egalitarianism

Shaul Kelner writes about taking the AWP pledge to not participate on all-male panels.

Work on Purpose: Heart + Head = Hustle

Suggestions for aligning your heart and your head so that you can achieve “hustle” - those times in which you are driven by your personal purpose. Created by Echoing Green.

How To: Dual Agenda Exercise

Learn how equity connects to effectiveness and diagnose your own organization, using scholarship and worksheets pioneered by Lotte Bailyn and Joyce Fletcher.

How to: Negotation Tactics for Success

This helpful worksheet is adapted from the work of Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, in their book, Women Don't Ask.

Article: Eight Tips for Timid Negotiators

Negotiation expert Becky Shambaugh on the art of asking for what you deserve.

How To: Political Mapping Tool

A tool to map out individual and organizational “actors” involved in the formation and implementation of policy. This exercise helps identify who holds power, visualize relationships, and identify allies.

How To: Sample Exercise for Rabbinical Search Committees

Tools for organizations who are considering hiring a female rabbi.

Report: Gender Variation in the Careers of Conservative Rabbis: A Survey of Rabbis Ordained Since 1985

The Conservative movement's Rabbinical Assembly surveyed rabbis and women reported lower salaries, inferior positions and less career satisfaction than their male colleagues – and were nearly three times as likely to be unmarried.

Article: Gender Bias Is a Fact of Communal Life

An article demonstrating the lack of gender equity in the Jewish communal world, pointing to a national conference sponsored by the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute as an example of gender bias to be addressed. Written by Steven Cohen and Shaul Kelner it references their eight studies of gender equity in the Jewish communal world.

Graphic Recording: Leadership Strategies that Work

This graphic recording offers ideas on leadership strategies that will make your work flourish. It was created at an AWP convening of women leaders of Jewish organizations in Northern California.

Article: On The Verge of Real Change

An article identifying significant changes in Jewish women's leadership including an increase in the number of women executives in start-ups and new executive job descriptions with shared leadership responsibilities.

Report: Creating Gender Equity and Organizational Effectiveness in the Jewish Federation System: A Research-and-Action Project

This report, based on nearly a hundred interviews with federation lay and professional leaders, explores the causes and implications of the gender imbalance, and then recommends strategies for change.


Change the Jewish conversation: Doesn't an all-male roster suggest these are the best presenters? An all-male roster on a panel or publication usually means that these are the best known presenters or writers. Let’s break this cycle. When we rely on the same speakers time after time, we send the message that there’s nothing new under the sun. Identifying women scholars, intellectuals, rabbis, and leaders will bring a fresh point o

Men as Allies

Many influential men in Jewish life agree that our community will flourish with shared leadership. AWP's male allies want to infuse the Jewish conversation with the voices and viewpoints of women scholars, rabbis, public intellectuals, and institutional executives.

Level the Playing Field

Leveling the Playing Field is a guidebook for advancing women in Jewish organization life. It's useful for anyone who believes that gender equity and shared leadership are vital to the health of Jewish communities, and who wants to turn beliefs into action.