Action Learning

Advance leadership and drive change

Since 2010, AWP has trained six Action Learning Teams – small groups of women professionals who are advancing their own leadership and driving change within their Jewish organizations.

Our alumni – more than 50 senior executives, middle managers, rabbis, and scholars – have moved beyond frustration to achieve outstanding results: promotions and raises, published op-eds, major speaking engagements, and seats at important decision-making tables. They also advocate for the collective good – securing improved work-life policies, raising awareness of the gender pay gap, demanding parity on recruitment for jobs and prizes, and coaching peers in negotiation and thought leadership. These dynamic women see themselves as leaders capable of making change, wherever they work in the Jewish community.

Create your own action learning team

You can create an Action Learning Team in your own organization or community! We worked with groups of 8-12 women and scheduled 4 retreats over 18 months, supplemented by regular phone calls. However you shape your team, trust the power of peer relationships – to support each other, celebrate small wins, and reinforce mutual accountability.

Take a look at our Action Learning resources:

Leveling the Playing FieldAWP’s book guides you through the complex terrain of systems change, from Diagnosis and Intervention to Monitoring and Accountability. Co-authored with Adaptive Leadership expert Marty Linsky, this is the source for the theory, strategies, and tools your team will need for advancing gender equity.

The Dual Agenda: Equity and Effectiveness – Learn about the relationship between equity and effectiveness and diagnose your own organization, using research and worksheets pioneered by AWP advisors Lotte Bailyn (M.I.T.) and Joyce Fletcher (Simmons School of Management).

Work on Purpose – The curriculum by Echoing Green, the leading organization for social entrepreneurs worldwide, is a lively curriculum for exploring your passion, purpose, and skills – and harnessing them for maximum impact.

The Negotiation GymLearn about the gender lens in negotiation and coach each other in role-playing scenarios. Our expert colleagues Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever provide the essential facts and step-by-step worksheets – for your own career negotiation and for systemic change in your organization.

The Op-Ed ProjectLearn how to assert your expertise and add your voice to public debates in the media.

If you are interested in forming an Action Learning Team, contact us for a free consultation.


Meet our Action Learning Teams

Action Learning Team alumni are taking charge and making headlines, from boardrooms and classrooms to pulpits and corner offices. Check out the teams and follow their pathways to leadership and groundbreaking change!

Wexner Alumnae Cohort – Alumnae of the prestigious Wexner Graduate Fellowship Program include educators, foundation officers, academics, program directors, and executive leaders.

Assistant Rabbi Cohort – Assistant rabbis in large synagogues in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Washington, DC.

Social Justice Cohort – Middle managers at small, medium, and large Jewish social justice organizations.

Orthodox Leaders Cohort – A groundbreaking group of female educators, scholars, and spiritual leaders.

Organizational Leaders Cohort – Executive Directors, academic officers, and senior managers from a wide range of Jewish organizations.

Leadership Intensive Cohort – A national group of high-level “influencers” in the Jewish community, including executive leaders, cantors, and rabbis.