Barbara Dobkin, Trustee – Dobkin Family Foundation

A pioneer in the Jewish community as a donor-activist for programs to empower Jewish women and girls, Barbara Dobkin is one of the most visible and committed advocates for social change. She was the Founding Chair of Ma’yan, a program of The JCC in Manhattan; the Jewish Women’s Archive in Boston and the Hadassah Foundation. She presently Chairs the Dafna Israeli Fund, a feminist foundation in Israel and is the immediate past Chair of American Jewish World Service, which works to realize human rights and end poverty in the developing world. She was a founder and currently serves on the board of Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community and is a former board member of The Women’s Funding Network, The White House Project, and Lilith Magazine. A frequent speaker on women’s philanthropy and leadership, she is a significant supporter of and adviser to a variety of not-for-profits, both Jewish and secular in the U.S. and internationally. Barbara has been recognized by several organizations including the New York Women’s Foundation, the Jewish Funders Network and the Council on Foundations for her innovative philanthropic work.